Wednesday 4 November 2020

How to Set Correct Time in CentOS 7 using ntpdate

The ntpdate utility can be used to synch the correct time from a NTP Server or any public NTP Server. Correct time and time zone can help to manage system tasks, user tasks and most of the operations on a Linux System. Ntpdate package is available in CentOS 7 base repository. 

How to Enable/Disable a Specific Repository in CentOS 7

There are two options [--enablerepo=<reponame> and –disablerepo=<reponame>] available to enable or disable a specific repository during yum installation or update of the packages on CentOS7.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

How to Install and Configure NFS Server on CentOS 8

NFS (Network File System) is a distributed network file sharing system protocol. It is provides to share files and folders between Linux distributions over the network. It can locally mounted the NFS files systems from the NFS server to the client machines and accessible the files and directories like local file system.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

How to Install the LAMP Stack on CentOS 8

The LAMP (Linux, Apache MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) is a combination of open source software’s that are mostly used for running websites which are written in PHP.

How to Install PHP 7.2 on CentOS 8 [AppStream Repo]

PHP is free and open source programming language. It is widely used Linux based system to write application. PHP package is available in CentOS 8 AppSteam repository.

How to Install MariaDB Database Server on CentOS 8

MariaDB is a popular open-source database and community-developed fork of MySQL. MariaDB database, It is widely used for database management in LAMP stack like servers.

How to Install MySQL 8.0 Database Server on CentOS 8 [AppStream Repo]

MySQL is a popular open-source database and community version of MySQL database, it is widely used for database management in LAMP stack like servers.

Sunday 16 August 2020

How to Install Apache/httpd Web Server on CentOS 8

Apache is most popular and open source web server to server html, php and others. It released by apache foundation under GNU license. The apache binary is available in CentOS 8 default repository.

How to Reset Forgotten root Password on CentOS 8


How to Reset Forgotten root Password on CentOS 8

In Linux, root privileges refers to a user account that has full access (called root user/access) to all files, directories, applications, system applications and system functions.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

How to Install and Configure Apache using Ansible Playbook on CentOS 8

Apache is most popular and open source web server to server html, php and others. It released by Apache foundation under GNU license. The Apache binary is available in CentOS 7 default repository. This article describes How to Install Apache/HTTPD Web server in CentOS 7.

How to Configure Ansible Master Node on CentOS 8

Ansible is a free and open source Configuration and automation tool. We can configure, manage, deploy and automate a large number of client machines from a central machine using Ansible. It communicates over SSH and it doesn’t require installing any agent on the client machines. Ansible uses lots of Ad-hoc commands, playbooks and roles that’s are written in YAML.

How to Install Ansible Master Node on CentOS 8

Ansible is a free and open source Configuration and automation tool. We can configure, manage, deploy and automate a large number of client machines from a central machine using Ansible. It communicates over SSH and it doesn’t require installing any agent on the client machines. Ansible uses lots of Ad-hoc commands, playbooks and roles that’s are written in YAML.

Sunday 26 April 2020

How to Configure SSH Password Less Authentication on CentOS 8

In some certain reason, password less authentication is require on remote machine which helps to access the remote machine without entering the password for login, deployment and management purpose.

Friday 27 March 2020

How to Install WordPress with LEMP Stack on CentOS 7

WordPress is an open source and most widely used software for blogging, content management software, websites etc. It’s written in PHP and used MySQL/MariaDB for database.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

How to Create LVM Partition on CentOS 7 Using Additional Hard Disk

Logical Volume Management (LVM) is an abstraction layer between operating system and physical hard drives and can be easily managed the disk space.

How to Create and Mount a LVM Partition/Volume on CentOS 7

Logical Volume Management (LVM) is an abstraction layer between operating system and physical hard drives and can be easily managed the disk space.

How to Install the LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) Stack on CentOS 7

The LEMP (Linux, Nginx MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) is a combination of open source software that are mostly used for running websites which are written in PHP.

Friday 28 February 2020

How to Install WordPress with LAMP on CentOS 7

WordPress is an open source and most widely used software for blogging, content management software, websites etc. It’s written in PHP and used MySQL/MariaDB for database.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

How to Install the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP)Stack on CentOS 7

The LAMP (Linux, Apache MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) is a combination of open source softwares that are mostly used for running websites which are written in PHP.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

How to Set Umask for a System User on CentOS 8

When user created a file or directory CentOS 8 and other distribution, the file or directory created with a default set of permissions. By default the file permission has 644 a directory created with 755 permissions, grants read, write, and execute permission to the owner and read and execute permission to groups and others.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

How to Install WebMin web interface on CentOS 8 using RPM Package

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Linux systems and other distribution as well. User accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and other services can be managed by web browser using webmin tool.

How to Install WebMin web interface on CentOS 8 using YUM Repo

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Linux systems and other distribution as well. User accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and other services can be managed by web browser using webmin tool.

Sunday 16 February 2020

How to Setup a New Virtual Machine on Virtual Box

Oracle VM VirtualBox is a free and open source virtual machine manager that is provided hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization.

Monday 10 February 2020

How to Sync Local and Remote Directories using LSyncd on CentOS 7

LSyncd is free and open source tool that is designed to synchronize a slowly changing local files and folders to a local or remote target. It is sync changes or modification in a file and directory to the remote or local destination in a specific time interval.

How to Sync Local Directories using LSyncd on CentOS 7

LSyncd is free and open source tool that is designed to synchronize a slowly changing local files and folders to a local or remote target. It is sync changes or modification in a file and directory to the remote or local destination in a specific time interval.

Saturday 8 February 2020

How to Block a Whole Sub Net using Routing Table in CentOS 8

The Linux routing table can block the incoming connection to prevent the Denial of Service (DoS) and save resource utilization. The Linux routing tables can used to block such IP addresses or whole sub net with reject route and null route.

How to Block a Specific IP Address using Routing Table in CentOS 8

The Linux routing table can block the incoming connection to prevent the Denial of Service (DoS) and save resource utilization. The Linux routing tables can used to block such IP addresses or whole sub net with reject route and null route.

How to Block a Whole Sub Net using Routing Table in CentOS 7

The Linux routing table can block the incoming connection to prevent the Denial of Service (DoS) and save resource utilization. The Linux routing tables can used to block such IP addresses or whole sub net with reject route and null route.

Thursday 9 January 2020

How to Exclude Specify Packages with YUM Command Permanently on CentOS 7

Yum (Yellow Dog Update Modifire) is a tool for RPM package management. Yum can install RPM packages and dependencies are obtained and downloaded automatically.

How to Clean YUM Cache on CentOS 7

Yum (Yellow Dog Update Modifire) is a tool for RPM package management. Yum can install RPM packages and dependencies are obtained and downloaded automatically.

How to Check RPM Package Info Using YUM Command on CentOS 7

Yum (Yellow Dog Update Modifire) is a tool for RPM package management. Yum can install RPM packages and dependencies are obtained and downloaded automatically.